God At Work in the Shadows

Date: June 12, 2024

Jesus replied, “You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.” John 13:7


Have you ever been in a season of life where you have no idea what God is doing?


We’ve all questioned God before– sometimes with anger, fear or impatience because we long to feel His presence. But the times when we don’t know the answers can drive us straight into conversation with the One who does. Where are you in my life and circumstances, God? Have you forgotten me? 

A couple running an orphanage in Mozambique felt this way when they were hit by a cyclone and devastating floods. They prayed for a miracle that would allow them to buy food the following week despite shortages and soaring prices. Their miracle literally fell from the sky three days later when food parcels were airdropped into their village.

There’s a book in the Bible called the Book of Esther but God is never named in the book. It never says, “God did this” or “God said that.” In some terrible unfolding circumstances that threatened to destroy an entire people group, it’s apparent that only God could have orchestrated their miraculous rescue.

In Esther’s story, God’s work starts behind the scenes as His people pray, fast, and act courageously. Then, suddenly, after a young queen named Esther has done all that’s in her power to do, God dramatically and wonderfully does what only He can do. God turns everything meant for evil into good, resulting in promotion, blessing and life.

Jesus said that His Father is always working and so is He! (John 5:17) He also said, “You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will” (John 13:7). When we can’t see, this is what we can say: “God, thank you that even when it’s not visible to me, even You are always at work.” (John 5:17)